
Hi there! I'm Kirby!

Welcome to my blog! This is a daily dose of fashionable things from my personal style and good eats to beauty products and things to do!

Spring, or Something Like It.

Spring, or Something Like It.

Hi Friends! Long time, no looks, eh? Even weirder time to be catching up with you all, am I right? This is a look from a couple of months ago, with one of my new favorite fall/winter pieces Andrew found for me at the thrift store, a vintage, Eddie Bauer, corduroy dress. When I originally shot this look, I wasn’t happy with the photos, I didn’t think they were good enough to share, and while I love the outfit so much and have worn it multiple times since, filed this away to things that will never make it to Fashion by Day.

After a weird couple of weeks and after the company both Andrew and I work for (East Fork), decided to temporarily shut down beginning tomorrow - in order to take the proper precautions to keep our staff and our customers safe, all of the above seems so silly. While COVID-19 has been slowly making its way into Western North Carolina for the past week, I haven’t really been able to wrap my head around how I’m feeling; anxiety is high, emotions are on a roller coaster, I’m angry my vacation to Italy is going to be cancelled, I feel guilty for being angry when so many people around the world are sick and I’m healthy, safe at home with my little family, with a cupboard full of groceries.

Just a couple weeks ago it seemed like Spring was heading our way, like everyone had just taken one collective deep breathe after the reassurance of longer, warmer days, and there was so much optimism at what the rest of 2020 would look like. At this point it’s hard to say, but all I want you to know, friends near and far, is - you’re not alone, if you’re also feeling scared or anxious or sad, I’m right there with you, and so many others are too. So feel free to reach out, you can leave a comment, send me an email, or message me on Instagram @kirby.wolf. I’ll be happy to hear you, to talk to you - be smart, practice social distancing, stay home as much as you can, reach out to your loved ones, and take a deep breathe. Spring will still come.

Thrifted Eddie Bauer Dress, Louise et Cie Mid Calf Boots, Vintage Belt, Iris & Ink Chain Necklace

Turmeric Detox Drink.

Turmeric Detox Drink.

A Guide to Indulging in Nashville.

A Guide to Indulging in Nashville.